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Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered




And that goes to this other question which is, you know, who should be doing this? Does surgeon recommend the technicians? You and I talked about this a little bit the other day but how, do what's can you say something with the reliability of who's doing those tests? Are they done the same by everybody?




Yeah, that's the big challenge. I don't think they're done, the quality of imaging matters in the situation for reproducibility and you need to have such certain amount of advanced imaging training in this specific arena for you to know what your, what we are looking for when you're imaging these patients because obviously same of the techniques of imaging are so sub-specialized that acquiring those in a smaller center may be difficult or even setting that sequence for acquiring the image may be a difficult situation or the, you know, plain truth is they may not have the equipment to do certain high level of advanced imaging at that point.




So it should be somebody, you know, right now in terms of physicians who do this radiologists obviously are the main physicians to do it but, you know, a lot of the technique you always have to ask for gated-imaging of the thoracic aorta in the sense that it always needs to be EKG-gated when you're looking for your root measurements and the second thing is that the arena is changing where cardiovascular imaging is kind of very broadened now like, you know, people like me who are being trained to do advanced vascular imaging and cardiac imaging are coming out and getting trained extra years of training. These are the physicians I would say should be doing this imaging.




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