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Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered




Should patients request copies of their of their results or is this not something patients should do? 




I think they should and they should also request the copies of their images, so what I do actually in patients I see in clinic since I'm an imaging physician who is also a clinical cardiologist I actually not I see the report but I actually load all the images of the patient and review the image because for me seeing images matters than I'm actually taking care of patients who I'm looking at because there is, as I said there, you know, it's a human nature to have some variability in measurement but for me I, I just want to compare it the way we measure in our institution and if I were to get another set of imaging on that patient a year from now and I clearly know what I measured versus what was done before rather than comparing it to a report. Report is, you know, one point in time but images are forever. 




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