Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered
Can you talk about, let's see, what should be the long-term routine surveillance imaging and the interval with somebody who's watching for ascending aorta, aortic enlargement, maybe, you know, looking at their root, also how regularly?
Yeah, so basically the first time you image a patient you, after that I usually measure them a year later or earlier if there is significant family history of some dissection or something like that and see the growth of the root, the growth of the root is less than three millimeters and or if it remains stable yearly surveillance is okay but if there is a rapid change in time we have, scan patient, patients within six months, especially their change, change in dimensions is what matters.
But you think of this, so this is where the question comes up, I think change in dimensions always should be gone back and compared with the original scan because there's slight variability in measurements in between the same physician a different time or two different physicians doing measurements, so you have to go back and measure the previous scan and compare it absolutely so how it's going in terms of measurements, so I would say between six months to, to a year is, sorry, 12 months is most of our patients get scanned, get repeat scanning.
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