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Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit




There are several questions, as is not surprising, about different types of imaging, a lot of imaging questions so I'm just gonna see if I can lump these together and we can do a series of imaging questions.



The first one is about should you be getting MRIs or CT scans below the pelvis to check for aneurysms?



Do you want me to do that, Bart or not?



I thought she was going to add more questions to it or not, do it one by one.



All right, so if I understand the question correctly, the question is, "Should there be routine use of imaging below the pelvis." For example in the lower portion of the legs. Is that is that the gist of the question, Angela





So we root, you know, we, we've learned where the hot spots are throughout the arterial tree for aneurysms to form or for tears to occur certainly that includes the chest and abdomen, which are always included in imaging. We learned over time that the neck and to a slightly lesser extent the head is also an area where vascular issues can develop and can become serious so on that basis the head and the neck are routinely included during imaging.



The pelvis is an area where the aorta is splitting into the two large blood vessels that go down to the legs and we have learned that, that branch area is also an area of predisposition so we routinely go image into the pelvis. 



Involvement below that is first relatively rare. It's not that it can't happen. We have seen people with aneurysms in blood vessels, for example behind the knees, but not only is that less common but it also is less likely to develop a serious problem if a blood vessel tears or bursts. There's, there's a lot of, there's not much space for bleeding to occur so it would be unlikely that someone would have a, a really serious outcome like death due to hemorrhage if a blood vessel did burst in the legs. 



If someone does have a tear in the lower portion of the aorta or the branch vessels that are going out to the legs then we would start imaging lower down including into the legs. If somebody has symptoms such as pain or difficulty with walking or something that we can't explain on some other basis then we would also begin routinely looking below the pelvis.



But in general because of the rarity of the problem and because it does not typically lead to a, a catastrophic type of event we don't routinely perform imaging below the pelvis. 



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