Loeys Dietz Syndrome: Virtual Medical Symposium Series (11/8/18)
How common are dissection in arteries and vessels other than in the aorta with Loeys-Dietz?
Yes, that's an excellent question. We have recognized that there are other blood vessels that are prone to dissection, very importantly in the neck. We also see a risk of dissection in certain blood vessels in the abdomen and also into the pelvis and the upper portion of the legs.
There are some guidelines regarding when those blood vessels should be considered for surgery. We rely on help from our colleagues in radiology and also our colleagues in vascular surgery to make those decisions.
In general, we think that operations are the best way to go for prevention of a tear of blood vessels, but sometimes based upon the location of an enlargement of a blood vessel, the best approach might be to use a catheter to insert what we call a stent. It's basically a support inside the blood vessel that strengthens the blood vessel and prevents a tear from happening.
Because the risk to other blood vessels throughout the body is the reason why we suggest that MRA or CT scans should be done about once every 1 to 2 years to look for emerging problems.
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