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LDSガイドラインの改訂に向けて ~画像検査~

LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now




In terms of vascular imaging guidelines these have generally remained the same. In the very beginning we are recommending head to pelvis imaging at baseline as well as imaging about every two years. Of course, if there is any aneurysm or dissection found we rely on our colleagues in the vascular surgery and cerebrovascular space to help us figure out if those should be imaged on a yearly basis. 




We continue to kind of balance the pros and cons of MRA versus CTA imaging and I know we got a lot of questions about that. Both of them are injecting dye and giving us the ability to look at the diameters of blood vessels. MRAs take a little bit longer and they might be a little bit more fuzzy when it comes to very small blood vessels like in your, your brain or some of the blood vessels going to your GI system but they don't have radiation associated with it and so that is our preference because we don't want to be adding radiation every a few years, that can have that cumulative effect over a lifetime. 




But CTA is what everyone would get in case of an emergency so if you present to a hospital with emergent pain a CTA is performed. It's very clear for small blood vessels. It's very fast but again we don't want to be repeating this over time because of the radiation risk. 




And so some of you have probably seen this slide before but what one of our goals is too, is to actually look at like what different arteries and portions of the aorta are involved in different types of Loeys-Dietz syndrome and the last time I looked at this was probably about a year ago but kind of the baseline is when it comes to the cerebrovasculature all types of Loeys-Dietz syndrome have shown aneurysms. At a rate of about 10 to 30 percent actually in all different types of Loeys-Dietz syndrome many of these are just kind of watch and manage and wait and don't need intervention but we have noted aneurysms in all types of Loeys-Dietz in the head and the neck. 




And, you know, bottom line is that in all types of Loeys-Dietz syndrome we can see aneurysms throughout the head to the pelvis, so we do think head to pelvis imaging is indicated whether for everyone in every scenario it needs to be two years, you know, that's still a little, bit of an unknown question. 




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