Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives
Overall the majority of aortic complications occur in the third trimester but it's also the postpartum period and that's something we haven't discussed at all yet, so what should we do to help minimize risk during the postpartal, postpartum period?
First of all we would recommend inpatient observation for at least 48 to 72 hours and that can depend based on the mode of delivery as well as the country and we recommend imaging prior to discharge and this can depend a little bit based on the patient's circumstance but generally an echocardiogram or a CTA/MRA and depending on the circumstance. If, for example, prior to discharge we've only done the echocardiogram then we're gonna, I'm going to usually get the CTA or the MRA in the postpartum period three to six months after they've been discharged. Alternatively if you had the CTA or the MRA in inpatient unit before discharged then I would maybe do just the echocardiogram at three to six months postpartum.
We have some really great data and this has already been outlined a little bit by the speakers prior to me where we're basically quantifying this and trying to accumulate the data for multiple centers so that we have to bring agreement to detect and calculate really what type of risk in what situations happen in the postpartum.
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