Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives
Now cervical instability is another, another spiral manifestation that has an increased risk in Loeys-Dietz syndrome. This can be assessed with an x-ray of the cervical spine and flexion and extension as you can see here on these lateral views the position of the vertebra in relation to each other changes if there's instability and you can see that when the person lean their head forward and backward. This impacts intubation and that's an initial step that's necessary generally to administer general anesthesia and this is a picture I wanted to show you that just in the normal supine position your vertebra are in more of a natural alignment but intubation requires something that we call the sniffing position that changes the axis such that you're straining the alignment of the cervical vertebra. You would not want to do this if you knew that someone had cervical instability and you could possibly disrupt that natural alignment.
Another spiral manifestation includes scoliosis and that affects anesthesia of choice and there's an increased risk of scoliosis in people with Marfan syndrome and Loeys-Dietz. This can be assessed with x-ray, same here and this is important because it can impact lung capacity, for example, if you're on mechanical ventilation. It can also affect access to the epidural.
There are diffuse vascular anomalies that can occur in any of these conditions but most notably an increased risk in Loeys-Dietz as well as the vascular EDS patients. This can also impact the delivery method. That's chosen as well.
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