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妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~新生児の遺伝子検査~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives




Now another important thing is that postpartum you have multiple mom and baby so we're going to shift our attention to include the well-being of the child and their genetic risk, so as our previous speakers mentioned there's in most of these autosomal dominant conditions a 50 percent risk of passing the mutant allele to offspring and so if you have already identified a mutation in the family you can just look for targeted testing in the child, sometimes you don't already have that information and you might do a broader full sequencing, deletion, duplication analysis and a single gene or even a panel. 




But what I've had as my experience is what really concerns families when we know that testing needs to happen is what stage do we collect the blood and test in the children, so you can actually collect cord blood, isolate the fetal DNA and find that the mutation is present. We've done that at our university in conjunction with our wonderful high-risk material fetal medicine attendings. It's also possible and usually, you know, if possible, in access to a pediatric phlebotomist you can do it. It'll still you basically use a capillary tube to collect blood from the baby's heel and when they're a little bit older and or if you have a pediatric phlebotomist who specializes in very small infants you can do a venous blood draw from the antecubital area.




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