Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic
Dr. Morris, is there any way of knowing how tall a child will be by the time they finish growing?
Not really but there are some ways you can guess a little bit. Not not from like an early age, so there's, there's old-fashioned ways where you can double the the height at age three is a guess and you can do this: something called a mid-parental height but really it's, there's genetics and there's puberty that, that matter, so you're, you can there's something called the mid- mid-, it's not, the mid-parental height, it's not gonna work for Marfan.
So you can look on your growth chart and you can just see where they're tracking, like they're on the 90th percentile, in the 99th percentile and if they have puberty at a normal time, which girls is 12 and a half, boys is a little over 13, then, you know, there it's probably going to be where that is tracking. Now if they have early puberty like if a girl has her menses at 10 her growth plates will fuse early and she won't meet that genetic potential of height and/or if they have late puberty their growth plates are still open and they're still getting a little extra hormone secretion and so they're probably going to be a little taller than predicted.
So sometimes we see families where they just genetically have really early puberty and they're way shorter than anticipated and so it's, it's those two things together and I have to predict height all the time not really but to dose medications I'm predicting heights all the time in clinics.
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