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Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic




How common are is, how common is it for a pediatric patient to require aortic surgery and what does the measurement and should people worry about that?



So kids can definitely need aortic surgery, you know, I think the later it's diagnosed and the later they start on medications, the more likely it is, you know, it's not uncommon for me to diagnose a 14 or 15 year old and by the time they're 18 or 19 I have to refer to surgery.



So but a lot of my kids that got diagnosed at one or two and we started meds then, don't need surgery but certainly there's more severe cases where they just didn't, the aorta didn't slow down enough with meds, you know, we really, the fastest time your rate is ever gonna grow is during childhood, right? It's a millimeter to three millimeters a year versus in adulthood it's much less than that and so if we can slow the growth in pregnancy, I mean, in puberty and in childhood we think we can give you many years as an adult without surgery. 



But it definitely is needed sometimes and a congenital heart center like Lurie or like our hospital are really good at doing these roots, usually it's a valve sparing root replacement for most people that are younger but it, you know, it just needs it we, it certainly is needed. I'm trying to think on our patients, we just looked today, we've had about we've done about 20 in the last 10 years here, so it's not that common and we follow just with Marfan, we follow 200. We follow about 600 kids with connective tissue disorders so that's 10 percent.



What about the size of the aorta, like what, what's alarming because I mean the body size is smaller so... 



Yeah, so the, you know, we've done continued research on this on so a lot of people. It's really hard. You can't use z scores because you could meet a two-year-old that has a z-score of 10 and they're not going to dissect like even if you have a huge aorta and a two-year-old it's not going to tear and you don't want to put them through heart surgery, so generally, you know, there's not published guidelines for children. We're working on writing them right now with AHA but so it's all expert, there's no data. 



But I can tell you what we do, so generally if you're over 10 we still use the 5 centimeter cutoff. If you're under 10, you know, we really look at the patient, like I've had some children with the early onset Marfan called neonatal or infantile and they have a three and a half centimeter aorta by the time they're two and we have operated. We never would operate less than three and a half but between three and a half and five depending how young you are we might consider earlier surgery. 



It's just so rare to have a dissection in a child, I mean, in the history of our hospital I think we've had three children with dissection and two were Loeys-Dietz and one was infantile Marfan syndrome like under 18. 



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