Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)
Obviously to understand why arch surgery is different we've got to understand what normal is. Here's a schematic of a heart potentially in the operating room where we have a cannula in the vein. In that vein we're going to capture all the blood that's coming into the heart that blood is going to be taken away. It's going to go to the heart lung machine and then from the heart lung machine it's going to be brought back in through a tube or a cannula in the arch.
Well, this is going to really allow three major components to occur: one the heart lung machine pumps the blood so that takes over for the heart and then it's going to put oxygen in, carbon dioxide out so therefore it takes over for the lungs that's why they call it heart lung machine. The other major thing that it does with a separate device is it can cool and warm the blood. This is critical for organ protection specifically in arch surgery.
But if we go back, if we're talking about doing surgery on the arch up here our normal cannulation strategy isn't going to work because this is the area that we're going to be operating on in arch surgery.
So why is art surgery different? Well it's really a balance as the surgeon you're balancing the heart and protection of the heart along with providing adequate blood flow to the brain and then providing good blood flow to the rest of the body and the conduct of the operation is critical to achieve all three perfusion beds.
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