Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)
And obviously with connective tissue disorder patients Dr. Roselli showed slides like this so I’m gonna go over this pretty quickly. With normal aortic wall it's very organized and therefore structurally it's intact. When you have a genetic disposition to a connective tissue disorder then things are very disarrayed and unfortunately this leads to loss of structural support in the aorta, which causes the catastrophes that can occur. Our job is to prevent these from happening beforehand.
The aorta, it's the largest blood vessel in your body. To me I always tell people it's the the largest freeway that we know of. Its job is to deliver blood from the heart all the way up to the top of your head and then the bottom of your feet.
The way it gets there is different branches and so first set of branches you've got the coronary arteries that feed the heart muscle itself, then the large three branches that go up to the brain that are so critical with arch surgery and then you've got branches that go off to the spinal cord. You've got the five major branches down in the abdomen and then at the belly button it splits right leg and left leg.
Well, the aorta, it's, its own living creature because as the heart beats it pushes that jet of blood and then the aorta distends during systole so it expands and under that maximum expansion the pressure in there is the top number in your blood pressure and as the re, as the aorta recoils due to the muscular wall it's pushing blood to the next segment that's the lower number in your blood pressure.
So what I teach my patients is it's kind of like that game we played as kids. It's that egg toss game. You know, you toss the egg if you didn't break it you take a step back and you keep going until the last team standing. Well, who's the last team standing? How did they achieve that? Well, number one they could toss. Number two they absorbed the impact so that egg didn't break.
Well, that's the aorta's job because of the muscular wall it absorbs the impact from the heart and as the aorta gets larger, it, less ability to absorb the impact that's where their shear tension in the walls and that's where rupture or dissection can occur. Our job is to prevent that.
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