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大動脈弓手術について ~大動脈弓の構造~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




On the left we see a picture of the entire aorta broken up into different zones. We have these zones now thank you to our STS database and that's really so that we can capture data, talk about apples-to-apples and oranges-to-oranges when we talk about different procedures or pathology that we're treating.



As you see here this is the root that Dr. Roselli spoke about. The ascending aorta. We're going to spend the majority of today's talk on the arch and then the descending aorta or thoracoabdominal aorta as Dr. Coselli spoke about but since we're going to focus on the arch today let's look at that in detail.



Why is the arch important? Well, this is where all the blood flow up to the brain is there so here you've got the innominate artery, which spreads into the right carotid and then separates into the right subclavian. You've got the vertebral, which handles really the circulation to the back of the brain and then separately is the left carotid and then the left subclavian, off the subclavian comes the vertebral, so parallel systems, symmetric but that can be varied.



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