Taking Care of Your Aorta 10/15/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)
This is a CT scan with contrast lighting up the ascending aorta and descending aorta in a person with a very large thoracic aneurysm, this large circle here. So in a CAT scan we take slices like a loaf of bread and this is a slice through the sternum, the breastbone, and the spine at the level of the ascending aorta, and at this size, we can make a measurement of the aorta assuming that it lines up exactly perpendicular to the aorta, so we can make to the chest wall, so we can make a measurement this way and make a measurement this way and get a dimension of the aorta. But the aorta is a bit of an angle, this measurement will be inaccurate.
And that's one of the most common reasons that we get larger aorta than normal because the aorta is coming out of a bit of an angle, so when we take a slice through the aorta, it's an oblique angle, not a perfectly round angle, not a perfectly round aorta, so we know this and use techniques to make accurate measurements as I'll show here.
So this is a three dimensional reconstruction of the thoracic aorta, and this is the largest dimension at the sinuses, this is in the ascending aorta, number three, number five would be at the arch, the proximal descending aorta, number six, the middle of descending aorta, number seven. So very easy to measure here.
And here's another picture of a cartoon of an aorta. This sort of tortuous and comes out of an angle. So when we do a CAT scan, measurements are done straight across like this, so you can see if I slice like this, it's not going to get a true dimension and this is very common, so here's the aorta through the center line and we do a double oblique, so we now, we try to make accurate measurements, but if I make a straight front to back measurement there, you can see that's not a true dimension; that's going to make the aorta look like an oval-shaped or an egg shape and that'll get an aneurysm size of six centimeters, which is false. If we do an accurate measurement in the true dimension, the aorta is only four centimeters, so we understand this and it's and it's very important to make sure that accurate measurements are performed.
This is one of the most common reasons to overestimate aortic dimension because the aorta is not measured correctly. So measuring aorta is vital importance in determining whether the aorta is enlarged.
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