Taking Care of Your Aorta 10/15/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)
Now a chest X-ray can show features on it, aneurysm in the chest, but it's notoriously inaccurate.
So this is a normal chest X-ray over here, on my left in and the lungs are in black and the aorta, it's right here and then it arises and this is a knob and then it comes down the back, so this is a normal chest X-ray.
And you can see here, there's a descending thoracic aneurysm shown by these black arrows so this bulge here is a big aneurysm, there so that's easy to see an abnormality there.
But the problem is, aortic root aneurysms in Marfan and others hide right behind the heart because it arises from this part of the heart, so you can have a very large aneurysm in a normal chest X-ray. This is a red aneurysm of the aortic root in a person and you won't see it on a plain chest X-ray.
So you have to image in other dimensions and other methods like CT or MRI. So echocardiogram is the most common method and as this cartoon on the right shows, we can make very accurate measurements of the aorta as it arises in multiple segments and use that to compare time and time again and try to be accurate about this, but as you can imagine if we, if we cut the angle off obliquely or at a tangential angle, or we image if we take a slice at a smaller area of the aorta, it won't be as accurate. We want to get the largest part of the aorta each time and compare it side-by-side to see if the aorta changed in diameter. I want to show you an example of one of the pitfalls we can see.
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