
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

大動脈を守るために ~大動脈基部の大きさを測る~

Taking Care of Your Aorta 10/15/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)




Now in Marfan and Loyes Dietz and familial aneurism syndrome, as I mentioned, this is an echocardiogram showing the aorta. This is the muscle part, this is the aortic valve and the part on either side of this arrow is the aortic root, the sinuses of valsalva, the ascending aorta and this is the type, that this is the part that dilates in Marfan and connective tissue disorders. It kind of looks pear-shaped at the base and this is the tip of the pear here, and we can measure the size of this very accurately by echocardiogram.



Or on the right panel by a CT scan and again this is a CT scan looking at the proximal aorta. This is a heart muscle down to the lower segment. (Can, Eileen can, are you on? if you can hear me I want to see, yes, I hope you, I hear you, I saw something, can you see my arrow? And can you see the arrow? Okay, perfect.) So that is the heart muscle and this is the aortic root. Again it looks pear-shaped, so this is a typical Marfan aorta, it has a pear-shaped appearance to it, and it's largest in the aortic root, and so we can measure this dimension or compare it to this dimension and these are usually pretty interchangeable.



Sometimes we don't see the aorta as well because it's shadowing or the pictures just aren't as clear just like sometimes on a television screen or other things. It's just not as clear as this, so we have to use the best modality to see this.



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