Taking Care of Your Aorta 10/15/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)
An aneurysm is an enlarged aortic segment, so it's pathologic meaning, it's abnormal and it's larger than expected by at least 50%, so that's one criteria, sometimes we'll say the aorta is enlarged, sometimes we'll say it's dilated and, sometimes we'll call it aneurysmal. There all three adjectives really for the same description, these different ways of thinking about the aorta.
And when we think about aneurysms, they are enlarged aortic segments. Many people think about this type of aneurysm, a saccular aneurysm, so here's the abdominal aorta above the kidney arteries and it's kind of bulged out on one side like you might think of a bullfrog stroke? bulging out there. That's a saccular aneurysm. That's the least common type that we see in connective tissue disorders but it's the type we worry about most because there's more pressure on one side of the aorta.
This is an abdominal aortic aneurysm called fusiform. This is the most common type. So in an, in a fusiform aneurysm, the aorta is symmetrically enlarged so instead of this size, it's this size so this is quite a bit larger in this aneurysm.
And this is a pseudoaneurysm, which is where the artery is perforated and it's contained by tissue surrounding the aorta. This is the most worrisome type. That's uncommon unless there's been trauma to the aorta or aortic surgery.
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