Children's Heart Issues in Marfan, Loeys Dietz, and vEDS - Virtual Symposium Series (4/9/19)
Now, what about those aorta z-scores (ARz) scores? In adults with Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, most of the medical and surgical decisions are based on the absolute dimension with how big is aorta in centimeters, for example. However, in growing children there are limitations to using absolute dimension alone. For example, an aorta in a three-month-old is going to be a lot smaller naturally than aorta in an adult.
So the z-score can help us to understand how, you know, what, what should the aortic size be for any given body size and we can use the aortic root diameter z-score or ARz correcting for body surface area, which is basically body size. And this allows us to assess the severity and progression over time.
So, if the z-score stays the same, that means aorta is growing in a growing child in proportion to the rest of the body. If the z-score is increasing, that means the aorta is growing faster than the rest of the body and this should raise some concerns.
So here's a plot of various aortic root measurements over time in a patient that was followed here at Boston Children's Hospital from age about four to at least the more recent exam at almost age twenty-five years.
このグラフは、ある患者さんをBoston Children's Hospitalで、4歳から直近の検査時(約25歳)までを追跡調査し、測定した大動脈基部の太さを経時的にプロットしたものです。
And what you see in the blue lines here is what would be expected, what the expected aorta measurement would be for most people and 95% of people will have aortic measurements within the two skinny lines and the average is the dark line in the middle and here you can see that most of the measurements in this particular patient has been have been just a little bit above the line, meaning that there has been a mild aortic dilation that has stayed mild over the course of twenty years.
And you can see here on the graph of z-score over age. That the z-score is basically the bouncing between two and three for many years and this is a typical pattern for someone who is mild aortic root dilation. The aortic root z-score stays about the same, the aorta keeps growing in proportion to the patient.
In this patient here, another patient with more moderate aortic dilation, you can see the measurements are slightly higher above the line and the z-scores are in the 4 to 6 range.
In this case, we have a child with more severe aortic root dilation followed from birth. (oops, what happened here. Here we go, sorry about that.) And you can see in this patient, the z-score has gradually increased over course of many years. (Can you hear me now? Yeah, we hear you and we see, so go ahead. Okay great, so I'm sorry about that. ) So here in this patient again followed from birth to age 20s. You can see a gradual increase in z-score to severe levels and then, of course, the aortic root is normal-sized after surgery.
This is a rare case in the child who has the so-called neonatal or infantile Marfan syndrome where the the aortic root was rapidly growing in the first three months of life, so you can see that the z-score was seven and a half right at birth and by three months of age, the z score was 15. This is very atypical but made us worry quite a bit and there was repair of aortic root at three months of life.
So what are some common things to think about with the aortic z-scores? Z-scores in the seven or higher range are pretty uncommon.
For most patients, z-score, the aortic z-score generally stays about the same or slowly increase. And so for most patients with Marfan syndrome and Loeys-Dietz syndromes, we expect their aortic z-score to stay in the same or slowly increase over many years.
But again, the important take-home messages is in growing children despite a stable z-score, the aorta continues to get bigger.
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