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大動脈弓手術について ~順行性脳灌流と逆行性脳灌流~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




But hypothermia is not the end-all and be-all. You need adjuncts and adjunct is perfusion to the brain and this is a concept that we've has been around and this is kind of like religion in some centers, aortic centers. Some people believe in antegrade, some people believe in retrograde so to help educate you guys. Let's talk through that.



Antegrade cerebral perfusion is where we're providing blood from the heart lung machine in an antegrade fashion, meaning forward flow to the brain, so it's going into the artery either through an axillary artery, which is common or an innominate artery, so that it can go up to the right carotid, feed the brain through the circle of Wills, which is connections between the right and the left. It can then come down through the left. We're monitoring in the operating room. When we see differentials we can always add another cannula up the left carotid directly so instead of unilateral integrated cerebral perfusion we consider that now bilateral cerebral perfusion.



With retrograde cerebral perfusion retrograde, backwards, so we're essentially providing blood through the vein then you have to change your heart-lung circuit a little bit here by providing blood back through the superior vena cava so it goes back up through the jugular veins to the brain and then through the veins it's going to go venules then capillaries, capillaries to arterials, arterials to arteries, arteries, now down to the carotids.



But all the while perfusing the brain with cold blood. Essentially we're creating a brain freeze. The whole point of that is to lower the cellular metabolism of the brain at the time and for arch surgeons this is mandatory.



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