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大動脈弓手術について ~右腋窩動脈灌流~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




One of the ways we can do that, as we showed, is the right axillary perfusion so this is where we're instilling flow usually through a graft from the heart-lung machine.



This is a picture of an aortic dissection. So in the red is the true lumen and the yellow is the false lumen so where the false lumen preferentially pressurizes and can shut down the true lumen. We want to restore true lumen flow so we can get blood back up there so this to me is what we would strive for. This would be an ideal scenario. We're pressurizing the true lumen and the false lumen will now get smaller.



But one of the things that you have to worry about and it's mandatory when we do these surgeries. If you have a tear elsewhere and you institute flow and now it goes into the false lumen you're actually going to be hurting the patient. Now the false lumen is pressurized you're constricting true lumen flow and that can minimize end organ perfusion.



So in order to recognize that there's a variety of monitoring systems we utilize in the operating room.



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