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結合組織疾患の大動脈基部手術について ~研究紹介①~

Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)




I showed you the quick survival curve from our series but we looked at 178 patients, who underwent that David's re-implantation procedure in our institution and 84 percent of them had Marfan's, the other 16 percent had other connective tissue disorders, about a third had really quite leaky aortic valves. In a proportion of them we did extended repairs into the arch plus some mitral valve repairs.



Again the patients did really well with no deaths one stroke and no infection. I already showed you this. I'm sorry that was a duplicated slide.



But we also looked at freedom from re-operation and in the follow-up of these patients there was a freedom for re-operation of better than 90 percent six years and freedom from valve operations 93 at at five years.



It's important to also when you're choosing a surgeon and a team if you have a chance to do so, it's an elective surgery, to appreciate that experience matters.



In this assessment of a database from the society of thoracic surgeon they looked at over 13,000 operations that involve the aortic root or combination of the valve and the ascending aorta at 741 centers.



Interestingly 25 percent of the operations were performed at three percent of the centers. A large volume center was defined as one upper quartile did more than 30 cases a year.



We do about 450 roots a year at the Cleveland Clinic and AVR and ascendings, it would make it about 600.

私が勤務するCleveland Clinicでは、大動脈基部の手術を年間450例ほど行っており、これに大動脈弁や上行大動脈の手術も加えると、年間600例ほどになります。


If it was a large volume center the mortality was half of what it was at a low volume center. Three percent versus six percent and so that experience is critical.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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