Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)
At the Cleveland Clinic in 2020 we did 1,381 operations only a couple percent lower than 2019. We were affected by the pandemic but fortunately people understood that their cardioaortic disease was problematic and we were able to maintain safety in our institution and continue to provide care for patients over the last year and we hope to continue to do so going forward.
2020年Cleveland Clinicで行った大動脈手術は1,381件で、2019年よりも数%減少しました。原因は新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の影響によるものですが、幸運なことに、患者の皆さんが大動脈疾患の重大性を理解していたことで、安全を維持しながら継続して治療を行うことができました。今後も続けて治療に当たっていきたいと考えています。
We also when we look at the valve operations that we do because again I think you have to think about the root and the aortic valve together. You can see that in the over three and a half thousand valve operations that we did. Many of them are combined and in that 58 of combined valve operations. A lot of those include the aorta patients.
This is our volume of valve re-implantation procedures. Dr. Svensson really built the program here in the early 2000s and I joined him in 2005 and then after gaining some experience and helping to train some other surgeons we've really ramped it up and we're consistently doing over a hundred operations of these valve re-implantation or David procedures every year.
And with that experience, it allows us to do even more complex roots like this patient. You see the green arrow shows a valve that's just really stretched out by the aneurysm. It looks like a like a bow string but the tissue on the cusps was healthy and the rest of that root gets reconstructed when we do a David's procedure and so we were able to save that valve that living valve and re-implant it in the root and make it look like this. This is a patient of mine that valve's still working pretty well after six or seven years later.
And when we looked at all four of those different kind of root operations I talked about the mechanical/biologic composite valve grafts, the homographs and the valve preserving procedures over this period of time with nearly a thousand patients. The overall mortality was less than one percent the stroke rate was also low. Remember some of those are older patients getting these procedures
And I thought that this was important to share and demonstrates that a experienced center with a lot of volume and experienced surgeons can have even better results.
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