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LDSガイドラインの改訂に向けて ~妊娠・出産~

LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now




In terms of pregnancy I don't know that there's a heck of a lot of new changes either since 2024, or 2014, something to be aware of is that the angiotensin receptor blockers that Dr. Dietz was describing can be teratogenic or harmful to the fetus in a pregnancy, so we really want to plan out those pregnancies and down titrate individuals off the ARB prior to pursuing a pregnancy and we usually manage people on a beta blocker. 




We try to do full vascular imaging prior to a pregnancy to make sure everyone is safe but to also assess for the presence of dural ectasia. So dural ectasia is, the dura is kind of the sac around the spinal canal and so in a lot of people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome or connective tissue disorders in general that sac can kind of protrude out a little bit in the lumbar area and so we just want to have a good anatomy for our OB-GYN colleagues in case there doing any epidurals to really know the anatomy of the, the spinal area. 




We usually echo in every trimester as well as in the postpartum period and really recommend being followed up by a high-risk OB-GYN. 




You know, for our update we really want to review the literature on pregnancies in Loeys-Dietz syndrome. We know that many women have had successful pregnancies but our next slide will kind of go through some outcomes and it's just challenging to predict who might run into problems and who wouldn't. The new American Heart guidelines suggests that perhaps at least a Marfan syndrome women can get up to having a 4.5 centimeter aorta in pregnancy and we need to assess whether that may be applicable to Loeys-Dietz syndrome or not, consider whether there is any new information or what should be added in terms of gynecological information and really assess what we know about postpartum complications that might impact how we talk about breastfeeding safely in Loeys-Dietz syndrome. 




So many of these, well, some of these women you may, you may know from the community but kind of the takeaway from Loeys-Dietz in pregnancy is that, you know, there are many women who have had multiple pregnancies who have gotten through them safely but there's also women who have had problems in their first pregnancy or their third pregnancy and it's really hard to have that crystal ball and predict who may run into problems and who may not, so we just really recommend careful planning of a pregnancy with your entire cardiac, genetic, OB-GYN team.




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