What’s in Your LDS Family Tree? Genetics, Variability, Outcomes (September 1, 2020)
So in terms of Loeys-Dietz syndrome you might all be familiar with the TGF-beta signaling pathway. This is the pathway where Loeys-Dietz gene defects reside and so this chart is kind of the outline pathway and if you want also more information on it we have a resource that Bruno can put from the Loeys-Dietz website that kind of talks through this pathway a little bit more.
But basically we have these TGF-beta ligands that kind of chemicals that float in between the cells and if there is a variant on this ligand this is what causes Loeys-Dietz type 4 and 5, which are defects in the TGF-beta ligand 2 and 3, and these ligands bind to the TGF-beta receptors, which set on, or sit on cell surfaces and if you have a defect in the receptors that's the cause of types 1 and 2 Loeys-Dietz syndrome.
大雑把に説明すると、細胞と細胞の間に存在するTGF-βの一部にリガンドと呼ばれる部分があり、このリガンドに変異があることで発症するのがLoeys-Dietz症候群の4型と5型で、TGFB2とTGFB3に変異が生じています。これらのリガンドが細胞表面にあるTGF-β受容体に結合します。これらの受容体をコードする遺伝子(TGFBR1, TGFBR2)の変異により発症するのが、Loeys-Dietz症候群の1型と2型です。
And so once this complex occurs then you have these SMAD proteins that co-localize and they get a little phosphate group added to onto them and SMAD groups go into the nucleus or kind of the working portion of the cell and send a whole bunch of pathways to work.
And so defects in the SMAD proteins, at least SMAD3 causes Loeys-Dietz syndrome type 3. So there's variable information out there right now about SMAD2 variants. We'll show you a slide that kind of depicts the clinical features of SMAD2. Some physicians have called it Loeys-Dietz type 6. There's tremendous overlap. It hasn't officially through some of the genetic naming source has been called Loeys-Dietz 6 but it's definitely in this pathway with overlap and we'll probably get there eventually.
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