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ロイス・ディーツ症候群と生きる ~ロイス・ディーツ症候群の分類~

Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit




So soon after we described it clinically we identified the TGF beta receptors as the causal genes, which we published in 2005. As you can see here on the figure the TGF beta receptor is a receptor at the cell membrane that allows TGF beta to signal into the cell.



And although initially we called LDS type 1, the more severe type with the more outward features and type 2 as the less severe outward features, very soon we recognize that this is a more wide spread disease caused by also mutations in other genes and from that time on we started calling the different subtypes of LDS by their gene names with TGF beta receptor 1, being LDS1, TGF beta receptor 2, LDS2.



Soon after colleagues from the Netherlands described mutations in SMAD3, which is like the first downstream effector after the cytokine TGF beta binds to its receptor on the cell membrane as another variant of this condition. They noticed that in this type 3 patients also had more osteoarthritis as a finding but we do know since that there is also families without this osteoarthritis that share much more characteristics in common with LDS that make them parts of the same group of diseases.



As you can see here in this example we noticed also typical findings such as the craniosynostosis, the hypertelorism and the bifid uvula as part of this this spectrum.



Similarly we identified along with the French group mutations in TGF beta2, which is the the ligand or one of the ligand that binds to the receptor, again showing the whole broad spectrum ranging from the outward features with the hypertelorism, cleft palate but also the severe cardiovascular phenotype in some families.



For example in this patient he had a mitral valve surgery at age 20, had an early onset aortic need for aortic root replacement and also had dissections of the side branches, so completely resembling what we first described in the patients that have mutations in TGF beta receptor 1 and 2.



And then the last one, which is probably one of the mildest forms that we've seen so far in general but again there is a wide range even within a single gene. It's a TGF beta-3, which is another isoform of the ligand that can bind to the receptor and leads to a phenotype.



That's very reminiscent of the initial description so that's why we all group them together now under Loeys-Dietz syndrome.



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