Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy
And so for all of these slides, what we do is we basically provide a framework for how to manage patients, and this framework needs to be modified based on the specifics of each patient and their families.
So just like the Imaging table, this is our table for guidance for medical therapy. Recognize that most of the evidence that we have for medical therapy for aortopathy comes from randomized clinical trial data in Marfan syndrome, and often, not always, but often we use the experience in Marfan syndrome and extrapolate to other conditions.
Just like the Imaging, you see it towards the top of the table. In younger patients, we use the z-score to categorize no dilation, mild dilation, moderate or severe. In older patients, older teenagers and young adults, we would use the absolute dimension in centimeters.
Like the Imaging table, we use a color code to indicate whether to use no medicine, one medication - either a beta blocker or angiotensin receptor blocker - or in situations where the aorta is more severe, we would use two medications. And the dark blue would be the situations where we would use two medicines together.
Next slide. Here, just a little bit more granular data just looking at Marfan syndrome and the various gene defects for Loeys-Dietz Syndrome. Again, there are specific guidelines or a framework to work based on the genetic diagnosis, the size of the aorta, the age of the patient, and the rate of growth of the aorta as well.
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