
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜ARBとβ遮断薬の大動脈イベントに対する効果について〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




I'm just going to go back and say that we were able to explore, you know, one of the questions was, you know, was there evidence that these medications reduced the rate of tearing of the aorta and things like surgery and that, that kind of thing and, and the answer to that question and, and this, it may be difficult for people to understand but I, I'll explain it the best way I can. 




The, the, the answer is that this may be surprising. There were not enough patients thankfully having aortic tears or aortic surgery or dying in these trials and, and this is a positive message I think for everyone on this call. There were not enough patients having aortic tears or having surgeries or dying thankfully in these trials for us to draw any meaningful conclusions about whether these medications impact on these things or not, okay? and that's because these patients were diagnosed, they were being followed carefully by experts who knew what they were doing in, in good centers in America and Canada and in, in the UK and in the, in other European countries, they were compliant with their medications, they were on good medications like beta blockers and ARBs, they were having regular echoes, they were having surgery when surgery was necessary and they were only being followed over a short number of years, two, three, four, five years and that's a very positive message because look, look here, you know, this, this is, this is data from 1,500 patients approximately who were followed over three, four, five years and in the, in the patients given ARBs there were zero deaths. There were zero aortic dissections. What a fantastic message for you guys, you know, so I, I, I, you know, that's in the ARB versus control trials, so I think this sends a very optimistic message. 




Some people have tried to use this information to suggest that, that the, the drugs don't reduce these clinical outcomes but that is a misunderstanding or, or a misinterpretation of how to interpret meta-analyses, I'm afraid to say and I do not agree with it. The, the the goal of the meta-analysis from the outset the primary outcome of the meta-analysis was to look at whether it reduced the rate of enlargement of the aortic root, which is a very, very important measure in Marfan syndrome. If I had Marfan syndrome I would not want my aortic root expanding rapidly because that's how we decide whether to do aortic surgeries and it's, it's the it's the, best measurement we've got for deciding whether you are in trouble if you've got Marfan syndrome and it's how we decide whether you have surgery or not and it, you know, what I try to do with patients with Marfan syndrome is I, I try not to let them get into a situation where they aorta to get to these dangerous levels and it looks to me like my colleagues who were running these trials in, in the in, in these, in these countries were doing a fantastic job of that by and large and so they should and, and, and that, that is not and so there were not enough events in order to make reliable conclusions about whether the drugs impact on these clinical events. I, I hope I've explained that as well as I can, okay?




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