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マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜ARBとβ遮断薬の比較〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




And then, we, then went on to look at trials where they had compared angiotensin receptor blockers with beta blockers. This is a different kind of trial. ARB versus beta blockers head-to-head comparison and this was the Pediatric Heart Network trial that was supported by the Marfan Foundation in the States, the Spanish trial and the Canadian trial. They were comparing head-to-head trials and what that showed is the diamond kind of overlapped in the middle, okay? and that meant that ARBs and beta blockers have comparable effect sizes, so that means that if you, if you are forced into a situation in which you can either take an ARB or a beta blocker and it's one or the other then probably the effects are pretty similar, okay? and ARBs and beta blockers are probably fairly similar to each other in, in terms of their effect size but as I showed you before if you're on a beta blocker you'll probably get additive effects from an angiotensin receptor blocker as well, so I think it makes sense to be on both.


では、ARBとβ遮断薬を比較した試験を見ていきましょう。この試験は先ほどの試験とは、種類の異なる試験で、ARBとβ遮断薬を直接比較しています。米国のTMFの支援によるPediatric Heart Network試験、スペインの試験、カナダの試験が対象です。結果ですが、ダイアモンドが中央で縦の線と交わっています。これは、ARBとβ遮断薬の効果量は同等であることを意味しています。つまり、ARBかβ遮断薬のどちらかを服用しなければならない状況にある場合、その効果はおそらく同等と考えられるということです。ARBとβ遮断薬は、その効果の大きさという点では、おそらくお互いによく似ているのですが、先ほど紹介した結果から、β遮断薬を服用していれば、ARBからも同じく付加的な効果が得られると考えられますので、両方の薬を飲むことは妥当と考えられます。


We were able to, I'm just going to skip that slide for one second and come back to it. We were able to do a clever little statistical analysis that my colleagues in the with statistical brains were, were able to come up with, which allowed us to estimate the effects of beta blockers and we found that the effects of beta blockers were effectively comparable to the effects of, of angiotensin receptor blockers, so we think that beta blockers work as well and we've been able to add the pile to the pile of evidence that suggests that beta blockers are effective, which also comes from other other types of evidence as well. 




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