
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群における肺気腫・睡眠時無呼吸の研究 〜睡眠時無呼吸とDダイマーの関係〜

Investigation of Sleep Disorders and Lung Injury in Marfan Syndrome




And the last study that we did was that we wanted to know whether we could identify a blood biomarker that could select the patients with sleep apnea that had a high risk of developing kind of aortic complications and we screened many vascular biomarkers and it turned out that D-dimer was the one that seemed to be associated with sleep apnea in our cohort and so we were hypothesizing that this biomarker may be a marker of aortic stress caused by sleep apnea.




And this was kind of the workflow of the study that we took patients and we subjected them to a sleep study with or without CPAP treatment and during the sleep study they underwent nocturnal blood pressure monitoring and then in the morning we drew the D-dimer assay and then we measured kind of an augmentation index, which is a measure of kind of aortic wall stress.




And here we showed that the levels of the D-dimer associated very, very intimately with the levels of vascular injury and these were the pulse pressure, the fluctuation in the blood pressure as well as the augmentation index which is the aggregate increase on the stress on the vasculature.




And these are some of the measures we were able to make with our monitor. We were able to look at the blood pressure fluxes and then with the sleep study we were able to look at kind of differences with sleep apnea that we see here. This is air flow and this is kind of normal respirations and as you can see here. With sleep apnea you have these interruptions where you have no airflow and this is what happens when you use CPAP you have a restoration of the flow.




And so when we looked at what happened with the D-dimer and CPAP we were able to show that there's a significant reduction in the levels of this D-dimer, this biomarker with CPAP and importantly there was a trend towards a reduction of aortic wall stress but when we looked at those patients who had a reduction in the D-dimers there was a significant association of that reduction with a reduction in the augmentation index suggesting that when we're able to reduce the D-dimer we're also able to reduce the wall stress.




So these studies have established a relationship between sleep apnea, intrathoracic stress and vascular injury and we have identified a potential screening biomarker that's useful for patients with Marfan syndrome who have sleep apnea and we need to validate this in larger cohorts and so our next steps with our sleep work is to develop treatment recommendations for mild sleep apnea and to at some point we hope in the near future perform a trial of sleep apnea treatments in Marfan syndrome.




And so what are some of the other directions that our lab is going in? Well, we want to look at pneumothoraces in much more detail and so we're expanding and we're including larger and larger kind of cohorts of patients who have pneumothorax and I invite you to contact us with pneumothoraces. I'd be happy to weigh in and provide any kind of consultative help with that. We're also analyzing lung tissue from Marfan syndrome patients who are undergoing lung surgery to see if there are signatures of risk of pneumothorax and we also are interested in looking at the natural history of the restrictive lung disease that we see with patients who have scoliosis as well as pectus deformities.




The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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