Lung Issues in Marfan Syndrome
Now how do you make the diagnosis? You typically make the diagnosis with a sleep study and a sleep study in a clinic or in a hospital that will give us information about the brain activity, the eye movements, muscle activity, air flow and oxygen levels, as well as awakenings, as well as the time it takes for you to fall asleep. In our lab, we also do a measurement of upper airway resistance and what this battery of information were able to obtain a very detailed information stream of what is happening while you sleep.
Now if we do make a diagnosis of sleep apnea, nasal CPAP is often the conventional intervention and this may or may not be accompanied by supplemental oxygen, and in patients with Marfan syndrome, I find that sometimes it's very difficult to find a mask that fits properly, and what I suggest is that if you haven't tried at least five mask, you haven't asked for an appropriate rigor by your sleep specialist and obtaining a mask that works, so do not feel uncomfortable by asking for another mask or another mask or another mask until you find one that's comfortable. If you have only mild sleep apnea, there's a possibility that you can use a mandibular advancement device for an oral appliance and Marfan syndrome weight loss is not typically the intervention of choice and drugs are not typically helpful and in very, very rare occasions, is surgery indicated.
And this shows what happens with nasal CPAP. So basically air is delivered at a certain pressure that effectively stents the upper airway open and prevents the collapse that causes all of the ? that we're concerned about.
And these are some of the devices that are used range from apnea pillows to nasal mask to a full face mask or even a dental device.
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