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ロイス・ディーツ症候群における婦人科疾患 〜閉経期〜

Women's Health: Beyond Family Planning




So I'm here to talk about menopause. This diagnosis is made when a patient hasn't had a period for 12 months, so it's oftentimes a retrospective diagnosis thinking back, “Hey, when was my last period?” If it was more than, if it was 12 months or more ago then the patient is is in menopause. The average age in the United States is between 51 and 52 years but the range of normal is great, so this can happen in pretty much between ages 40 and 60 and the reason for menopause is that the ovaries have a a finite number of follicles and they run out of follicles, so there's no more of that ovulation event that Dr. Madison talked about, so there's no more signal to the uterus to, to bleed, so as she noted, any, any vaginal bleeding after menopause after there's not been a period for 12 months is considered abnormal and should be looked into. 




There are so many symptoms that have been evaluated and found to be related to hormonal withdrawal at times, the time of menopause. I think kind of maybe the most famous one is hot flashes but that can also lead to issues with sleep and that can lead to brain fog, difficulty concentrating. A number of these other symptoms that you see are probably related to frequency of vasomotor symptoms but there certainly are others that have been studied and found to be related and this is why when we'll talk on the next slide about treatment options hormone treatment is attractive to a lot of patients because, yeah, because it can help with some of the other symptoms potentially but the only indications that the FDA has given for hormone therapy are the vasomotor symptoms, premature menopause because of ovarian insufficiency, so before age 40 or if somebody had to have their ovaries removed, for example, local treatment in the vagina for some of those vaginal symptoms and osteoporosis prevention, so in patients who are otherwise having a lot of symptoms and are at risk for osteoporosis that might be a reason to choose hormonal therapy, so if you go to the next slide.




So hormone, hormone therapy has a lot of similar contraindications as with hormonal use for contraception as well, so definitely someone with unexplained vaginal bleeding or history of a hormone-sensitive cancer such as breast or uterine cancer those would not be good candidates for hormone therapy. Someone with liver disease and then patients who have increased risk of getting blood clots, so thromboembolic disease those are not good patients for hormone therapy. 




But thankfully we do have other options for, especially for treating those vasomotor symptoms that can be so related to a lot of the other symptoms that patients have. There is an evidence basis for the things in the, in the tan and the pink boxes, so non-pharmacologic clinical hypnosis and cognitive behavioral therapy there's actually excellent data to say that they are helpful in helping patients to have fewer and to manage the hot flashes that they do have and then weight loss has a little bit less of an evidence basis but, but definitely is something that we can discuss with patients and in general self-care is a, is a great kind of thing to discuss with patients too because good sleep hygiene, you know, taking good care with diet and exercise are also really important parts of managing the menopausal transition.




And then there are medications that we know can really help with hot flashes quite a bit, so Fezolinetant is a newer one on the market. It is a medication that we can use in patients, in most patients unless they have severe end stage liver or renal disease, kidney disease, so that's a very promising drug that has been out and it really just helps specifically with hot flashes and really can be used in a lot of patients that otherwise, you know, we would have a harder time treating. Gabapentin is another drug that is really helpful to manage hot flashes. It is sedating so that may be beneficial to patients who are having a hard time with sleep as well but is, can kind of be a downside as well because the, the dose usually has to be titrated relatively high to help with vasomotor symptoms. Oxybutinin, which is a medication that actually helps with overactive bladder, has been found as well to be helpful and then probably the most popular right now pharmacologic therapy that's not hormonal would be anti-depressant medications, so SSRIs and SNRIs are, are very helpful for decreasing the number of hot flashes and and helping kind of with that sleep modification as well and then Stellate Ganglion Block, which is a procedure that can be performed. There's less evidence to support but that is definitely on the list of pharmacologic options.




For patients who are, who are primarily having vaginal symptoms, so sometimes the vasomotor symptoms will be the first symptoms for patients to have and keep in mind not all patients have them definitely. There are a lot of people who go through the menopausal transition and don't experience those hot flashes but later on the kind of the farther away from, from that last period patients get the more likely they may be to have vaginal symptoms and oftentimes this is the most surprising symptom for a lot of my patients, so the vaginal symptoms can present as vaginal dryness, vaginal discomfort, feeling like they have a vaginal infection, so symptoms like discharge and irritation. Some patients will have described pain with sex when they never have experienced that before. Other patients will have urinary symptoms, so more frequent urinary tract infections or the sensation of having a urinary tract infection without actually having an infection.




And so especially, if patients are only experiencing these symptoms we tend to go to just this local treatment, so vaginal estrogen is the gold standard. It is the thing that will help all patients with this this problem and unfortunately, you know, there may be some patients for which systemic hormone therapy is contraindicated but there are many patients that, you know, if you speak to your doctor you may decide through shared decision-making that that is a good choice for you, especially if you haven't had improvement with things like lubricants during sex or vaginal moisturizers, which are specific moisturizers that you can buy over the counter that are specially formulated for the vagina to help with those symptoms like dryness or discomfort with urination and I think that's it for my slides.




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