Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic
The goal of surgery when you see us is to prevent aortic dissections. There's two times that you're going to meet a cardiac surgeon: one is electively in clinic and we can have small talk and we have time to plan any operations you need; the second time is when you have an aortic dissection and the tone of that conversation is going to be much, much more serious because aortic dissections are in emergency.
And these are symptoms that all patients with Marfans should be aware of because they represent something that could be drastically wrong with the aorta. Most patients will tell me that they have severe tearing chest pain that could go to the back but some patients have non-specific symptoms such as belly pain, symptoms of stroke, leg pain and leg paralysis. All these are related to the fact that the dissection can interfere with blood flow to all the organs in the body.
The emergency room is obligated to get a CT scan in any Marfan patient, who complains with such symptoms in order to evaluate for this aortic dissection and it's important to understand that this is an emergency so we are rushing to get you to the operating room to perform a life-saving operation. And as you can see by this diagram here the blood flow that is caused by the dissection is catastrophic ―― blood is not flowing where it should be which should be in this barrel but instead is flowing in between the layers of the aorta and this is a precursor of aortic rupture. We have to get these patients to the operating room as soon as possible.
So the point of seeing us early in the clinic with a small aortic aneurysm is to do surgery in a safe fashion before patients present the emergency room with an aortic dissection.
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