Women's Health: Beyond Family Planning
Just a, a question in response to what we were just talking about menopause. Is it typical for the symptoms that you were describing to come on suddenly or for them to progress slowly?
I think in general I have to I talk to patients about just the, the average because everybody, kind of everybody's a little bit different but the average age is 51 and if that were the case then the, the symptoms would kind of come on within like a year or two of that last menstrual period, so they would start actually before the end of the periods and then they peak around the time of the last menstrual period or, or a year or two after and then kind of trail off for a few years, so I usually describe it as like kind of a, a peak with a kind of a fast onset and a slower decline.
The average amount of time in the United States that patients experience symptoms is seven years but we know that that varies really widely and that there is quite a variation based on patients like self-identified race, so there may be a role that, you know, that racism plays in how patients have symptoms and experience symptoms and so the symptoms tend to be more severe at the beginning and, you know, for the first year or two and then trail off at the end. I can't say I know I patients often complain about a sudden onset but I wouldn't be surprised if it does happen for some patients.
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