COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered
I have some questions for Dr. Morris. For those that have LDS and vEDS that have tortuous, tortuous arteries and fragile arteries, does the virus or the symptoms such as the coughing that's associated with a with the corona virus or any flu increased their risk about the stability of their arteries?
I don't, I don't think so, you know, the torturous arteries we see a lot in Loeys-Dietz and Marfan syndrome, and a little bit in vEDS but that's more just a sign that they have a more aggressive form of the genetic condition.
But the force that you cough with is not nearly the force it takes to dissect or rupture a vessel, so I don't think that that increases your risk other than the fact that people who have more tortuousity, they tend to have a more severe form of the disease.
But I think it still comes back to "Do you have heart failure?" "Do you have lung problems?" "Do you have regurgitated valves?" Just having tortuous arteries would, I do not think alone would increase your risk.
Okay, great.
I just would want to weigh in on the subset of vEDS patients who have lung hemorrhage.
I think for those patients there is a concern about kind of refractory cough and I think those patients definitely need to contact their health care provider if they're developing symptoms that seem to be an upper respiratory infection and especially, if it's associated with fever.
I am very aggressive with my vEDS patients with lung hemorrhage when they have any type of respiratory infection because although you think that a cough is pretty well tolerated if you have kind of very fragile vessels in your lungs that it's not kind of without, it's not outside the realm of possibility that very forceful coughing can trigger a serious bleeding episode.
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