
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

痛みの管理 ~マインドフルネス~

Managing Pain



So in terms of research, unfortunately there's no specific studies within Marfan syndrome, about which techniques may be best, but in general, if we think about chronic pain patients, we know that relaxes, relaxation training is efficacious for musculoskeletal pain and then other techniques such as yoga and mindfulness have been shown to help reduce inflammation.



Interestingly, exciting new studies are showing that mindfulness is able to actually change the networks in our brain including hopefully like the pain signaling networks. It can improve anxiety symptoms, may be able to help with sleep. And there's emerging literature that these types of mindfulness practices might have some neuroprotective effects.



And I typically recommend to patients to practice these techniques in combination again with other therapies because none of these strategies are going to be the the holy grail.



The other important thing is to practice during a time when your pain is relatively low so that you can kind of understand how to practice that technique when you're not really stressed.



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