Keeping Your Spine, Limbs, and Feet Healthy in Marfan and Related Conditions
So pain. Unfortunately as good as we are like, Dr. Sponseller said, we don't have a great understanding on exactly the true cause of pain because there are many symptoms that can present as pain and unfortunately no two patients presenting with pain have a similar presentation.
Related to the musculoskeletal or the orthopedic standpoint, scoliosis or the curvature as mentioned to the spine is a major possibility and a major cause. TGF-beta and other cytokines are important chemicals that are floating around the bloodstream. They may be related to the causing pain. Dural ectasia is as mentioned and then the degenerative arthritis or the bone-on-bone contact that results from these deformities particularly in the lower extremity.
Again when you're walking 10,000 steps, when you're active or as active as you can be in your daily life working or even socially, eventually all things break down and lead to wear and tear, which can cause pain.
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