As I pointed out earlier, biofeedback is a technique that is less commonly used and might be due to your kind of lack of education about it as well as lack of availability.
But for those people who might be able to have access to a therapist or physical therapist or chronic pain specialist, who understands biofeedback, it's a really interesting process, in which we can take the process that our heart rate, our body temperature and such physiological measures that oftentimes we think we can't change.
However, if you were able to apply an instrument to your skin or to the chest like you're getting an EKG to look at your heart function or look at your breathing, you can start to understand how kind of trying to feel calm or trying to change your breathing might actually be able to change your physiological activity, so that becomes more voluntary.
And over time as you're learning these slight nuances in order to change your breathing or change your temperature, your body starts to kind of memorize those techniques as well and so, while you might need to go to a specialty center to kind of learn how to do biofeedback initially, eventually it's something that you can continue to practice at home over time by yourself.
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