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Children with Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, and VEDS: More than Medicine




Mark, can you explain more about the visuospatial versus verbally you talked about? I think people want specific examples of what you mean by visuospatial. 



Yeah, this could look a lot of different ways. It's a broad-based  kind of category. The ways we test it are completely comprehensive as far as how this looks in real life but, you know, navigating through space, get, you know, not bumping into things at the very simplest level especially early on in development but it's problem solving, it's understanding relationships, I mean this is a skill engineers, architects, designers, etc. It's kind of this understanding relationships and how, how they kind of work. 



You could think simply putting together a piece of furniture from IKEA takes a lot of visuospatial skills in the sense that you have to kind of visualize where you're going with this kind of project, looking at the individual parts and kind of putting it together. 



Again this can be things like constructional, this can be body and space, this, this can be all kinds of different things.






Following directions to get some place, you go down the street. You turn right and then you go half a block and it should be there on your left. For someone with visuospatial issues that can be really challenging. 



Because normally you'd picture it in your head what you're going to be doing. 



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