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Scoliosis Management & Surgical Options for Marfan Syndrome





Can you go over a little bit in more detail the types of nonsurgical treatment for scoliosis and maybe when is it time to actually think about surgery then when non-surgical treatments don't work.





Non-surgical treatments for scoliosis include various kinds of bracing. The braces we use are called Rigo-Cheneau braces or sometimes SpineCor braces or other things that are flexible and targeted to put pressure on the spine in the right places to straighten the curve, keep it from sagging and collapsing and getting worse. These are custom-made braces - they're not braces you can just go into a store and buy right then and there. You have to get them computer-modeled and computer-printed from an image of your own particular curve.




There are many different varieties, and almost every city has different specialists who deal with it and make the braces in different ways. These are typically successful in helping pain and slowing down the rate of the curve, but they don't stop it as effectively as they would for a non-Marfan person would experience.




In addition another non-surgical option is Schroth physical therapy as we just mentioned, which is a specific body control biofeedback strategy to help turn on the right muscles and let you realize how to control your body and build up tolerance doing so in scoliosis.




Those are the main non-surgical treatments. There are also many surgical treatments that we talked about and those are much more invasive and are pretty big undertakings to go through. It usually requires a couple of months out of school or work before you can get back to near what you were before.




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