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Scoliosis Management & Surgical Options for Marfan Syndrome





What type of physiotherapy is recommended for scoliosis?





Physiotherapy does not control scoliosis as a deformity; it controls the pain associated with scoliosis. It may, in some cases, slow down the worsening that happens and is called scoliosis-specific exercises, is done by a therapist who is an expert in spinal body control and scoliosis itself, proper breathing techniques, and self-awareness. It typically takes the form of stretching exercises, balance exercises, feedback exercises where the person learns what muscles to turn on to control their curve. It also goes by the name of Schroth physical therapy, after a German physiatrist who had a idea to use it several generations ago. Not every physical therapist who treats backs knows about this kind of therapy, so you have to shop around before you commit to somebody for that kind of treatment but it does seem to have some promise for controlling pain and maybe for slowing down the worsening of the curve.




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