Scoliosis Management & Surgical Options for Marfan Syndrome
What about back pain? Back pain is seen in a lot of people with Marfan syndrome. It can be caused by scoliosis, it can be caused by kyphosis, it can be caused by slippage of the vertebrae or even possibly by dural ectasia and things that usually work are non-surgical things such as physical therapy, core strengthening, conditioning, Pilates and also a brace at times can be useful.
However, there is a last, there is a last resort for many people which is spinal cord stimulation and that's something that actually deals with chronic axial back pain. It works on the gate theory of pain by inhibiting, by stimulating the pain fibers you can inhibit it, the travel of painful fibers.
What the, what the thing does is it puts signals in the back part where the sensory fibers go in and that blocks the fibers from traveling down the spinal cord. It confuses the pain signaling pathway and basically blocks it and here's what it looks like applied to person. Let me see if I can find it. I had a slide of it on there but it's like a a metallic disc and it's attached to wires and the wires were inserted onto the top of the spinal structures. It's a minor surgical procedure, not a large open surgical procedure. It's pretty minimally invasive and it's typically done by pain treatment specialist. If you have a pain treatment center available to you they can help and discuss the pros and cons of spinal cord stimulator with you. It's good for mostly axial pain although it can help with other kinds of pain. I've seen some patients with Marfan syndrome who had intractable pain were helped by the presence of the spinal cord stimulation.
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