And then, this is a subsequent study, follow-up study that I completed with my colleagues at Johns Hopkins where it was a smaller survey of only 218 people, but essentially individuals did say that if you look at the percentages, most people were more likely to have tried different type of pain managements and had tried more treatment strategies than they're currently using.
And in terms of the most common treatments, again over-the-counter treatments for the most common, currently reported at the time that people completed this survey by about almost over 50% of the population. Opioids were also very common as well as kind of non-opioid pain medications. Physical therapy is something that over half of people had tried at some point and only just less than 20% are currently using at the time they completed the survey.
Now complementary and alternative medications (CAM) have also been tried in about 37% of the population at some point, which is kind of consistent with the overall population at least in the United States.
And then finally, you can see that kind of, again those non-pharmacological interventions, whether it would be having a psychologist or occupational therapist or some type of procedure like a steroid injection or some type of spinal cord stimulator were used less frequently than any medications.
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