And again, there's very limited research on kind of opioid use in Marfan syndrome. So this was some other data that we've recently published and this shows that of the patients who, at the time of the survey, said that they were currently using opioids, those who are unemployed and those who had more marfan symptoms as well as those who had more locations of their pain were more likely to be on opioids.
Now the survey was all self-report, so we do not look at medical records and everything was just based on what a patient was saying, they were using. So this also wasn't necessarily something I had prescribed, but what patients said, our individual said that they were using.
And consistent with the current literature for other chronic pain conditions, those individuals who are currently using opioids continue to report that their pain is more severe, more frequent and more intense than individuals who are not prescribed opioids.
Now this was again a cross-sectional survey and all self-report, so it's hard to draw a conclusion about long term if opioids are making things worse or if people with worse pain are more likely to be prescribed opioids, but it is some small data that suggests that we need to kind of understand more about the use of opioids in Marfan syndrome.
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