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痛みの管理 ~痛みの治療法~

Managing Pain




Now one of the important things to think about in pain management is, like I said before, there's not just one pill or one treatment strategy that can usually manage chronic pain, so it really does take a multi-modal approach and when I use the word multi-modal, I mean many different types of therapies, so medications or pharmacotherapy can certainly play a role and, you know, as we showed, are very common in individuals with Marfan syndrome.



There's also interventional approaches such as injections or spinal stimulators, oftentimes psychological support like psychotherapy or family therapy can be really helpful for pain and then, of course, rehabilitation, so physical therapy using certain type of graded exercise programs or other devices that can help with rehabilitation can be really important.



And there's more and more research that's being done; in general, in chronic pain, about complementary and alternative medicines, thinking about like massage and acupuncture where there's some small body of evidence that they can be helpful in managing chronic pain.



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