Aging with Marfan and Related Conditions (VIrtual Medical Symposium Series, 5/6/19)
Now the kidneys are critical because the ability of the body to handle volume and in salt and potassium is just essential for life, and all of us begin to decline in our kidney function and lose a little bit of filtering action in the kidneys, but hypertension accelerates this, so does diabetes.
And very importantly, some of the medications, that particularly the non-steroidal anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen, as one ages, these are toxic to the kidneys and other medications can be toxic. So the kidneys are very critical for for health and when one loses kidney function, there's a lot of loss of good health.
Now in the Marfan syndrome and related diseases, there are some very benign changes, but on imaging the simple cysts, which are harmless, occur in higher numbers and in the general population. And then people with Marfan syndrome don't have a specific form of kidney disease, but they are vulnerable to the kidney diseases that everybody else has and because they have more vascular problems than the general population, the kidneys can be damaged because of a vascular problems and impaired blood flow.
This is an example, on the left panel, of this is a water-filled a simple benign cyst in the right kidney; this is the left kidney, and so this is a situation that occurs more commonly in Marfan syndrome, and as impressive as that looks, it's almost always harmless doesn't affect kidney function.
On the right, this is a patient who's had an aortic dissection and because of this, there has been impaired of blood flow to the left kidney, so the healthy looking right kidney is over here, but the left kidney has a little piece that's missing and that's from obstruction or blood flow and impairment of blood flow.
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