Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21)
Once we isolate the aorta approximately between clamps we essentially create a single lumen by removing that wall between the true and the false lumen that we talked about earlier, and then we separate it by dividing the aorta here, so we separate it from the esophagus.
This artery here is the left subclavian artery. It can contribute blood to the spinal cord through an intact, what we call Circle of Willis. In other words, it has branches, which lead to through the circulation of the brain down into the upper spinal cord and so when we have it clamped like this it gives us some concern, but we can do this for a short period, a period of time.
We then take a graft of an appropriate length and diameter and suture that to the aorta after we've separated it from the esophagus.
For the last couple of decades we've been using this multi-branch graft, which we find extremely useful to reattach the bowel and the visceral arteries. We'll show you this here in a second.
So that we do this anastomosis while we're perfusing the distal body through this pump that I mentioned before.
Then, once we've done that anastomosis we take this clamp and we move it down onto the graft restoring flow into the left subclavian artery. There's a branch of it called the vertebral artery, which supplies the spinal cord that we talked about before so that helps us provide and protect the spinal cord.
In dissection we almost always clamp proximal to this artery. In non-dissection we usually clamp distal to it.
We take care to preserve these nerves here, which can go to the vocal cord.
So once we've done that we'll take our left heart bypass and we'll specifically use it now to perfuse the bowel through what we call the celiac axis and the superior mesenteric artery and we'll use cold crystalloid solution and perfuse these into the kidneys to protect them.
Meanwhile, here's diagrammatically but it's what we do. We make an opening in the side of the graft and we reattach intercostal arteries, which are part of the blood supply to the spinal cord.
We've shown through statistical analysis of large numbers of patients. Here we looked at 1,144, extent II thoracoabdominal repairs and we found that variables that reduce the incidence of paraplegia included the reattachment of these intercostal and lumbar arteries I just referred to.
And interestingly patients with heritable thoracic aortic disease which include Marfan syndrome are 64 percent at less risk of spinal cord problems than patients without connective tissue disorder, so we reattach these intercostal arteries
And we use cold crystalloid into the kidneys. We've run two prospective randomized trials looking at cold crystalloid profusion into the kidneys and found that when we do that the kidney function at the end of these operations is better than in patients in whom that technique has not been used and so we continue to use it.
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