Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21)
So now we've moved the cross clamp down onto the graft, restoring flow into these intercostal arteries, which is perfusing the spinal cord and then we do the distal anastomosis here shown at the bifurcation of the aorta. Meanwhile, we're still profusing the visceral vessels with the left heart bypass with oxygenated blood from the heart and cold crystalloid into the kidneys.
The tolerance of the bowel and the kidneys and the liver to a period of ischemia is better than the spinal cord, so by reattaching the distal anastomosis before we get back to the visceral vessels allows this blood supply through the pelvic arteries and we've already reattached the intercostal arteries. It's part of our overall strategy to reduce the incidence of paraplegia.
So now we have to reattach the kidneys and the bowel. Usually now we're perfusing the distal body. We're still perfusing the celiac and SMA with left heart.
We'll take the first branch and sew it to the right renal artery and then as a general pattern we'll use the SMA, superior mesenteric artery and then the celiac axis. Take those off and so everything's being perfused now except the left kidney, which you can see here, which finishes the operation. We end up with this branched repair in many of these patients.
We used to see aneurysms when we did a large patch containing all of these arteries. Those patches would enlarge over time and become aneurysmal. When we use these branch arteries it pretty much eliminates that problem.
So then the question is, is, "Do these branches stay patent?" and without belaboring this, this is a series of articles in the literature, in which branches were used and you can see the patency rate here, has been extremely high in everyone's. These are not my series like we're evaluating some of my own data now but the branch patency is extremely high in these patients. They do very, very well with it.
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