Aging with Marfan and Related Conditions (VIrtual Medical Symposium Series, 5/6/19)
Now the eye is critical. In all of us and we can all get cataracts; we can all get glaucoma; a macular degeneration is common in the general population.
The Marfan a patient tends to have severe myopia and the eye in severe myopia has a flatter shape and is very susceptible to retinal tears and so that can definitely happen and they can be serious more risk in the Marfan syndrome than the general population. Many patients with Marfan syndrome have dislocation of the ocular lenses from connective tissue weakness and then that is going to introduce other problems that can lead to glaucoma and so this is just, the it's very clear from looking at this that the Marfan patient needs very good eye care in lifelong eye care.
This would be an example of a dislocated lens. where you can if you could see here you would see disrupted little cables that hold a lens in place but they've been disrupted because of tissue weakness.
And then I like this slide because this is what we look for when we examine the patient. This quivery movement of the eye and the other thing I like about it is it has a great name; this is called iridodonesis and we look for iridodonesis because it tells us that the lens is probably dislocated in that person and it's a very specific finding that usually indicates Marfan syndrome.
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