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加齢とマルファン関連疾患 ~筋骨格系~

Aging with Marfan and Related Conditions (VIrtual Medical Symposium Series, 5/6/19)




Now in the general population, the spine and the joints, of course, age and it's common to have spinal degenerative arthritis. I'm not talking about the rheumatoid degenerate or inflammatory arthritis, but I'm talking about just a wear and tear but this affects the hips and knees. Many people have joint replacements and then there's a problem of people beginning to lose muscle mass even as early as the age of 50 and this is quite variable. Some people lose a lot more than others but this is a problem with aging.



Now if you have the Marfan syndrome or one of the related disorders, you have additional challenges because there's a good chance you have scoliosis and you may have overgrowth of the ribs pushing in the sternum and producing the pectus problems, and the dural ectasia, which I showed you before, so the spine is a problem and the chest wall changes affect the function of the lungs so this introduces not just dysfunction but even pulmonary impairment and even neurological problems.



In some of the syndromes, one of Loeys-Dietz, a family of defects in SMAD3 protein and they get a really bad early degenerative arthritis and then all patients with these families, in this family of diseases can, can have acceleration of muscle problems and even what's known as a myopathy or a disease of skeletal muscle and this is probably because of the high TGF-beta signaling.



Now these are just X-rays showing the impressive curvature of the spine in the Marfan syndrome and how it can be addressed with spinal operations and straightening; it takes a lot of hardware.



This again is the dural ectasia. Now this is a patient. This is a CAT scan in a lateral view. It's not MRI, but you can see here that the same sort of enlargement and scalloping of the dural sack, and in contrast, there's a normal patient where none of that is happening. So this is a problem because it can the nerve roots travel through here and can be affected by this problem. And fortunately, it tends to be pretty stable and usually doesn't require intervention.



And this is another view a cross-sectional view. Again on the right, this is the way the spinal canal is supposed to look, this little triangle, but in our patient in the left-hand panel, this is, now you know, you can see where this is even eating into the bone, so this is an impressive-looking problem on X-ray of dural ectasia.



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